Aveva appreso la notizia della propria morte violenta dal giornale che stava leggendo. Era rimasto un attimo interdetto: non sapeva se si trattava di un caso di omonimia, di un refuso di stampa o dei suoi soliti problemi con la memoria, che ogni tanto gli facevano dimenticare le cose che gli capitavano. Forse quel dolorino alla schiena, dovuto al coltello che ci stava piantato, c’entrava qualcosa?
He had heard the news of his violent death in the newspaper he was reading. He had been puzzled for a moment: do not know if it was a case of coincidence, a printing or typographical error of his usual problems with memory, that sometimes made him forget the things that happened to him. Perhaps that pain in the back, we had the knife was planted, had something to do?
He had heard the news of his violent death in the newspaper he was reading. He had been puzzled for a moment: do not know if it was a case of coincidence, a printing or typographical error of his usual problems with memory, that sometimes made him forget the things that happened to him. Perhaps that pain in the back, we had the knife was planted, had something to do?
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